Terms & Conditions
The ISBN assignment listed above is unique and can solely be used for the identification of a particular publication or product. Publisher Services, a division of Bar Code Graphics, manages ISBN assignments to ensure that duplication will not occur. Independent Publisher is listed as the registrant for the provided ISBN(s) (if from Self Publisher Program), but Buyer retains all copyright/ownership rights, and usage/assignment to product is done at their discretion. Buyer is responsible for providing title information to Publisher Services and also to communicate this information directly with their trading partners. Buyer is prohibited from reselling, leasing, assigning and otherwise alienating ISBNs purchased from Publisher Services. Buyer agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Bar Code Graphics from any and all legal claims arising out of use of provided bar code and numbers, including, but not limited to product liability claims, criminal prosecution and retailer punitive fines. Failure by Buyer to adhere to any of the terms set forth above may result in cancellation of the ISBN assignment.

Publisher Services strives for 100% customer satisfaction. A full refund for Self-Publisher ISBN bar code assignments will be provided if the purchaser contacts Publisher Services in writing (e-mail or letter) within 7 days from time of order (only applicable for Self Publisher Program). Publisher ISBN packages (aka Personalized ISBN) are automatically processed by the US ISBN Agency and ISBN assignments are provided immediately. Consequently, Publisher ISBN packages are non-refundable. Copyright registrations are processed immediately by Digi-Rights and are non-refundable. If you have any questions, please contact us pubserv@barcode-us.com.