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ISBNs for Ebooks

Posted on: April 8th, 2013 by Publisher Services


ISBN stands for “International Standard Book Number”. It is a unique identifier for books, ebooks, tapes, and DVD’s. The ISBN numbering system is used worldwide and publishers around the globe identify their work in this standardized format.  Each title or edition must be identified by a unique ISBN. In essence, the ISBN is similar to a license plate which guarantees that each book type product is identified uniquely. If a book is available in both hardcover and softcover (perfect binding) each must have a unique ISBN assignment to differentiate the two binding types.

Over the past 4 years, ebooks have become the largest growing segment in the publishing industry.  Ebooks also require unique ISBN assignments from their printed counterparts (if any). In addition, each type of ebook is supposed to have it own ISBN assignment.

To complicate the matters, there are a variety of different types of digital file formats. Amazon Kindle uses MOBI, AZW (Kindle) and KF8 (Kindle Fire.) All other ebook resellers use a standardized EPUB format. As per BISG and ISBN guidelines, authors are supposed to use a separate ISBN for each digital format they provide. In practice, most independent self-publishers assign a unique ISBN to the EPUB version of their work and use it for Amazon as well. The Amazon system automatically creates a proprietary identifier called an ASIN for each title format uploaded to its database. Sales on Amazon are primarily tracked by ASIN .

It is important to note that ebooks sold on a author’s website do not require any ISBN identification.

The Importance of Pre-Flight Check before Printing Books

Posted on: April 8th, 2013 by Publisher Services


One of the services that Publisher Services provides complimentary to our book printing customers is a Pre-Flight check of printer-ready PDF files that have been provided to print book covers and interiors. What exactly is a Pre-Flight check? Pre-Flight is checking your book’s files to make sure they are good to print. Without carefully going over your files and approving them for the printer, there is a greater likelihood that something could go wrong and mistakes will be missed. A Pre-Flight check is just the kind of pre-printing look your files need before they go to print.

When we receive your files, we check to make sure:
  •  The trim size specifications match the print order. For example, if you’re ordering a 6×9 books, the page size shouldn’t be set up for 5×8.
  • The cover file (and the interior file, if necessary) is properly set up with the proper bleed. If the pages and/or cover are not set up correctly, images or text could get cut off when trimming the book to size.
  • Files do not have the fonts, graphics, and other inserted elements, properly embedded into the PDF. If we receive a file that contains fonts we don’t have here, the book may not print correctly, for example.
  • Color elements are not saved in CMYK color mode. Most graphical programs have the RGB setting as the default. Printing is a four-color (full-color) process. Make sure you’re using CMYK.

After we check your book, we will do the following free of charge:

  •  Convert to PDF from MS Word. While this will ensure that your fonts are embedded, we may not have custom or purchased fonts. If this is the case, we’ll let you know.
  • Convert the cover and inside pages to CMYK if needed.
  • Add your bar code to your back cover.
  • Crop your pages down to the proper trim size. If your margins aren’t set for the right page size, though, we may not be able to crop. We’ll let you know if we can’t do this.
We will also alert you to any other items we find that will impact the printing of your book.
However, there are a few things that we don’t check for. As you are your own publisher, you want to be confident to have looked over the following very carefully before getting to the stage where you are providing print-ready files for a print job:
  • All editing should have been checked, double-checked, and corrected before submission. One thing that tends to help is to print your manuscript and look at it that way instead of on your screen. You might catch things you didn’t see before. We also provide a printed proof copy prior to completing your full print run. You’ll have a final chance to check your printed proof for any last minute and missed errors, but you really should be confident that the editorial integrity is wholly intact.
  • Page numbers match the Table of Contents. Changing up more than a few sentences inside the book can throw off whole paragraphs and pages. Check them over and correct them before submitting your files for printing.
  • Images are matched to their appropriate captions, figure titles, etc.Another step that should be completed before submitting files for printing.
Publisher Services is pleased to provide a Pre-Flight process for every print job where we haven’t designed the files. You can be assured we’re looking to catch problems and help you fix them before a printed proof is created for your final review. We want to help you publish and print the best book you can. We appreciate your printing business!

The Importance of Legitimate ISBN Assignments

Posted on: April 8th, 2013 by Publisher Services

ISBNs are essential to selling your book. The ISBN is linked to essential information about your book: what the book is, who wrote it, and what the book is about. Since the ISBN is an extension of the book itself, you should be aware of what you are buying, and who you are buying from.

The US ISBN Agency only allows certain Channel Partners, such as Publisher Services to purchase and redistribute ISBNs. This means that when you purchase an ISBN from Publisher Services, you know that the ISBN is coming from a legitimate source. Because your ISBN is provided through a legitimate source, you can be sure that your book data will be communicated through the official bibliographic database (Bowker’s Books In Print), and will have as wide a reach as possible through this data.

This may not always be the case with illegitimate resellers. When selecting who to purchase an ISBN from, there may be ISBN resellers who claim to sell “authentic” or “trusted” ISBNs. While these sellers are certainly tuned into buzzwords, unless they are an authorized Channel Partner, those very same buzzwords can mean the opposite of what they are. Please be aware that there are unauthorized resellers of ISBNs, and that this activity is a violation of the ISBN standard and of industry practice.

If you use one of these illegitimate ISBNs, you will not be correctly identified as the publisher of record in Books In Print or any of the industry databases, such as Barnes & Noble or Amazon, or in the databases of wholesalers such as Ingram. This will make it harder for your potential readers to find the book easily. Discovering the consequences too late can lead to extensive costs to apply for a new prefix and reassign a new ISBN, and can potentially lead to the application of stickers to books already printed and in circulation.

Think of an ISBN as a driver’s license for your book – it tells retailers everything they need to know about your book at a glance. However, if you buy an ISBN from an illegitimate source, it’s along the same lines as buying somebody’s driver’s license on a street corner; you’re certainly buying a license, but you don’t know whose you’re buying!

You have spent time bringing your book to life, make sure you obtain an ISBN from a legitimate source like Publisher Services to make it available to as many potential readers as possible!